License agreement
The English version of this agreement is a non-binding translation of the German original.
The following conditions apply to the design and all CSS, Sass, PHP and JavaScript code, if not indicated otherwise.
Can I use my theme or extension license for multiple websites?
You may only use the license for multiple websites, that cleary state you or your company as the operator. We offer discounted follow-up licenses for additional client projects.
It is important that the actual operator whether it's you, your company or club is identical. It isn't enough to additionally include you as webmaster or agency in the imprint if the site is obviously operated by someone else. The following diagram should make it easy to check if using the same license is allowed:
Right to use, reselling and case studies
If you buy a theme or extension you get the right to use the particular product on unlimited websites that clearly state the buyer as owner/publisher (e.g. via the imprint). The right to use the product comes without any restrictions as to time, location or purpose. It is only allowed to remove or modify the copyright note (link in the footer) if the theme package you chose included the right to do so.
Case study: Agency/client
If you create a website for a client you transfers the right to use it. After transferring the license, the reseller (you) is no longer entitled to use the theme or extension. Each product may be transfered/sold only once.
To use a theme or extension for another client you need another license. We offer discounted follow-up licenses for resellers. Please visit your personal customer area to buy a discounted license.
Case study: Privat person/club
Mrs. Example works for a local club and wants to create a website. She has already bought and uses a license for her private website. Since the clubs website is ran by a differnt legal person (= the club) they need their own license. She can however buy a discounted follow-up license and pass the saving along.
Free themes
You may use free themes privately and commercially. Do not, however, remove or change the copyright link or links (mostly an unobtrusive link in the footer). This equally applies if you use a free theme as a basis for a website (e.g. a client project) and modify it. If you want to use a free themes (or parts of it) without copyright link, you need a premium license, without exceptions.
Do not offer free themes as a download on your own website. You are not allowed to use RockSolid Themes as a basis for themes you want to sell yourself.
In case of noncompliance we will use all legal means of action and violators must expect legal and financial consequences.
Free extensions
The free extensions may be used used privately and commercially. It is strictly prohibited to offer or sell the extensions encapsulated as a product or as part of a product (e.g. as part of a premium theme).
Modification and transfer
Buyers may modify themes in any way. The themes and extensions may not be used as a basis for products the buyer intends to sell to his customers. Under no circumstances may the purchased products be passed on to a third party or offered as a download.
3rd party code
The themes and plugins may contain 3rd party code and elements that are explictily licensed under their own license. Including but not limited to:
- Contao Open Source CMS, licensed under LGPL
- IcoMoon Icon-Font, licensed under custom license